Tuesday, April 27, 2010

nape mata ni xnk lelap....

huhu..its already 4 but still can't sleep...why bebeh...don know la
guess too many probs n works in my head..haha..lame gile dowh x bkk blog ni..aiys..suddenly find out balqis bcome my follower??adoi...kantoi2...haiya...how could u find me..
anyway, i thought special sem is the semester to get enough n good sleep but looking at this few days i guess it just a dream!..i choose this path, so i must endure it..chill2...
hm, biase la...bile semakin bz..ade je org2 yg nk mrajok,..dear, i'm so sorry..can't spend much time with u...too many things that make us apart,..tp xpe..nanti free kite jmpe ye..=p

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

hari2 terakhir.....

lalala...mlsnyer nk stady costing..(bajet dpt fulmark)...=p
ni ha...ade seekor ayam duk kt sebelah ni....lapa kot...ngantuk plak 2, ade hati lg nk tgk bola...
huhu..xkesa la..TP klau xbgn sok pg...siap la.......
kay la...mls nk tulis...selamat bercuti sume....SY SYG EN.AYAM....

Friday, March 5, 2010

talk 2012

hehe..best gler dowh smlm program ramai gler yg dtg..penuh sampai keluar hall ilmu 2..hihi..

kitorg mmg saje xnk wt kt audi coz audi 2 terlalu luas plak compare ngn lecture hall 2..even duduk ramai2 n penuh 1 dewan 2, u all still kt situ sampai habes kn2..thnaks sumer..laen kali i wt program cmni lg tao..=p

neway, seperti biase la..bile nga bz program msti gado ngn mr. torres yg berbadan tough tp berhati kecik..hihi..gurau jer..sory dear..i konfem this is last..pasni no more k..tatata...

Saturday, February 20, 2010

dear my bunny...

I never meant to hurt you
the way I know I have
Your love means more to me than anything
and I'll do whatever it takes
to prove that to you
Since the day I met you
and your love touched my heart
I knew that my life would never be the same
Please forgive me for the pain I've caused
I'll make it up to you every chance I get
You have my heart and my love forever.
I'm sorry....T_T

Saturday, February 13, 2010

time kaseh bunny....

haha..lame btol x bkk blog ney..ni pon menumpang ihsan jiran sebelah yg pkai broadband..hehe..spe suro xpasang pasword, pdn muke..hahaha..
anyway, setelah berminggu2 sesak nafas dgn aktiviti yg byk giler, akhirnya, dpt ku top-up cuti haritu..adoyai..exam pon aku wt mcm cincai, mmg hbs la kne marah ngn ayahku syg..huhu
seriyes pasni xnk pgg jawatan pape dh..nk concentrate to my studies, family, housemateku yg terchenta n x lupe juge, en.torres...hehe
latest, my dad dah cat umah yg kt kajang ni dgn kaler kuning pekat,..adoi, sakit mate gue..huhu
by the way, these few days i just want 2 rest n prepare myself to face the coming final exams..huhuhu..matlamat utama:kalahkan si gile n geng2 kedekut ilmu..(my housemate please take note)..hehe..that's all..nk bkk fb plak..tata...