Friday, May 8, 2009

From miss little sunshine...
4 names that friends call you:

- leen
- lin
- kak lin
- alin..(don't ever call me like this again!)

4 most important dates in your life:
- 23.06.1990 (sum1 special)
-15.09.1991 (spe ntah..hehe)
- 11.01.1966 (my dad)
- 16.06.1966 (my mum)

4 things you've done in the last 30 minutes:
- mandi
-on laptop
-kemas meja yg dh xnmpk cm meja
-menelan sebiji gula2

4 ways to be happy:
- make others laughing
- kacau si gemok kt sebelah
- tgk crite lawak
- dpt msg dr muhd izzat b mohd ismail..hahahah..(mati la aku klau dye bc)

4 gifts you would like to receive:
- a gold honda accord yg baru tu
- a ring..(klau bleh cincin kawen aku ngn torres)..hehehe
- ticket to the past 10 years
- anything from muhammad izzat b mohd ismail..(haih, dye lg..)..hahaha

4 of your favourite hobbies:
- reading..of course.hehe
- iron baju byk2
- tido
- makan

4 places you want to go for vacation:
- canada
- nk g haji...huhuhu
- mane2 je la husband aku nk bwk nanti...hahaha..(uit torres,,awk nk bwk sy g maner..)
- paris

4 things always found in your bag:
- kunci umah
- spec (walaupun aku benci memakainyer..)..hehe
- handphone
- lip gloss????

Top 4 you love so much:
- ibu and ayah
- my sisters n brothers
- anybody who loves me..of cos i love them frens n mostly...torres..=p
- all my properties

Top 4 things 'special' for you:
- everything that my parents give..(love, TIME, attention..n also money..hehe)
- everything yg org bg...sgt special to me..
- torres..=p
- choc shake!!!

Top 4 who you would like to answer this survey:
- spe ek..torres xde blog plak..hoho..(wt la blog, konpem ari2 aku view..hehe)
- Bella Ballet
- Zaff
- spe2 je la yg rase nk jwb soklan yg byk gile neyh..(sakit tgn aku..huhu)

after a few days's been a long time i didn't open this blog..the life seems so busy lately..
with a pile of assignment, test, friends prob n my own prob..huh, so tired..anyway, i still can handle all these stuff. cause i believe i'm strong..haha..poyo nye ayt..ank sape la ni...hehe..
lately i rase x sedap hati sgt coz feel like something is watching me all the times. I dont know what is it but i doesn't feel safe anymore to be alone at home..haha..
actually, really busy with my work..assignment finance n business management..wahahaha...
so wish me luck n hope i can live happily..