Tuesday, April 27, 2010

nape mata ni xnk lelap....

huhu..its already 4 but still can't sleep...why bebeh...don know la
guess too many probs n works in my head..haha..lame gile dowh x bkk blog ni..aiys..suddenly find out balqis bcome my follower??adoi...kantoi2...haiya...how could u find me..
anyway, i thought special sem is the semester to get enough n good sleep but looking at this few days i guess it just a dream!..i choose this path, so i must endure it..chill2...
hm, biase la...bile semakin bz..ade je org2 yg nk mrajok,..dear, i'm so sorry..can't spend much time with u...too many things that make us apart,..tp xpe..nanti free kite jmpe ye..=p