Saturday, July 4, 2009

after tagged by miss big girl.... =p

1. Apakah hubungan awak dan dia?
= kekasih gelapku...ngeeee

2. 5 impression terhadap dia
= simple, steady, terlebey peramah, funny, farakabutalwayz..hehe

3. Perkara yang paling memorable yang dia lakukan kat awak
= tgk kte cuci bekas boboy..

4. Perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak
= pabila beliau bercerita tentang mr.S

5. Kalau dia kekasih awak.. awak akan
= mati la.....

6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak. awak akan
= menyedut lemak beliau...hehehe

7. Kalau dia kekasih awak. awak akan
= bkn da tanye ke td???

8. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak... mungkin kerana
= berebut ikuta toma..maybe???

9. Overall impression ttg dia
= lovely housemate..jujur neyh..haha

10. The most desirable thing to do to her/him
= makan byk2 tanpa mengingat dunia

11. Apakah awak rasa ttg pandangan orang terhadap awak?
= garang..haha..but most of them after befriend with me baru dorg tawu bahawa
syalah org plg sempoi n plg sengal dlm dunia..hehe..(org yg ckp la..)

12. The character/(s) of you for yourself?
= S.T.R.O.N.G

13. On contrary, the character you hate about you
= hard to cry

14. The most ideal person you want to be with
= someone who can accept me as i am..(torres cm2 x??..hehe)

15. For people who like you.. tell sumthing about them:-
= is there anybody likes me??..raise up your hand??..=p

16. Ten people you tag:

I WISH i can tag them..hehe
1. muhammad 'izzat b mohd ismail
2. mohd jeffry b jamil(bdk sgt nakal)
3. Siti Sarah bt abd rahman
4. Reen
5. nazrin shah
6. zila
7. ina hawa
8. qilah a.k.a bini syahir
9. ikuta toma...bleh x???
10. my brother..abg yusri

17. No.2 ada hubungan dgn siapa?
= dgn I la...spe lg...haha..sory, adk aku 2 dh ade aweks kowt...

18. Is no.3 female or male?
= insyaAllah female..

19. If no.7 and 10 have a relationship.

20. Mcm mane dgn no.5 dgn no.8?
= ohhh. mereka tidak mengenali satu sama lain

21. No. 4 single kah?
= entah. ask her laaa

22. No.1 belajar apa?
= belajar tentang aku la...haha..gurau jerk..dye blaja kt uniten ni gak..
so dpt la tgk dye slalooo..but please..dont ever try to ngurat bdk ni..sbb..
aku da cop dye dlu..=p

23. Say sumthing about no.9:
= he'll die if he choose 2 be with miss big girl..

welcome back

hola my blog..miss u damn much..hehe..akhirnya berakhir 3 minggu penderitaan di umah..
too many things happened this few days. n i'm really pressured right now. Anyway, i feel relieved coz finally i came back to this forest, muadzam shah with new awesome housemate, huhu..but i miss mrs.ikuta toma too...hehe...n just now, my roommate just broke up,its too sad..but konfem xlame lg dorg msti smbung blek pnye lah..haha..(aku ngn torres bile plak ek)...haih, lin ni..mengarut lg...anyway, i want to bath rite now coz mlm nti nk angkut brg2 yg byk giler kt stor blok B..fuh, habes la tenage gue...daa~