Thursday, June 11, 2009

thanks God..

huhu. today seems like the last day i'm going to write in this beloved diary. just now pas bkk puasa kitorg cm nk mati angkut sume brg2 kt blok b.. aduyai..mcm2 rintangan. tangan krem la, kotak terburai la, xsempat tampal name la, n the biggest disaster is xtau nk campak freezer 2 ktner. haha. bleh plak tears running down tyme i call my dad. i dont know what makes me feel so sad. haha. maybe sebab da lame xngs kut, so air mata 2 berjurai2. hehe. then after go here n there, n i terpaksa have a talk ngn anak tiri farah(hehehe), then last2 i g antr my boboy kt umah zila..huhu, sdihnye xdpt jmpe boboy 3 weeks. i dont know, maybe its a miracle coz zila offer nk tlg bwk balek my freezer. fuh...what a relief, thanks God. huhu.. td kan, miss F a.k.a my most lovely housemate suh wt masterpiece kt mr.teddy yg i bg kt dyer. huhu. sedih la pulak. pasni beliau chow ke harmoni. spe lg aku nk panggil badak coz my new housemate sume kecik2. huhu. dear miss big girl, thanks 4 all the things u helped me, the advice, n all the things we've done together, i'll never 4get u la bebeh. haha, nanti i dtg putrajaya yer klau free. one more thing, i mintk maaf sgt2 if i had hurt u..i tau i ganaz...hehe..nanti da duk harmoni kne joging hari2 tao..jgn lper..lagu alyah (tak mungkin kerana lemak)..hehehehe...k la, nk stdy eco ni. n nk menghabiskan sisa2 usia foundation 3 weeks bru gue update yer..mmuahhxx

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