Wednesday, December 23, 2009

hari kames yg mulia...

haha..okey, today suppose 2 wake u early but coz of few obstacle i got to wake up late..hehe
naseb baek pakcik buncit 2 x marah..hahaha...
pg2 da xde mood n berat kepala coz memikirkan few things about tahyiz mayyit yg menghantui hidupku..huhuhu..naseb baek pakcik buncit sudi teman g kedai banner (xpenah2 aku nk jejakkan kaki ke situ)..hehe
but the worst thing is terjatuh kt dpn encik torres!!...adoi..malunyer!!!
huhu..dh la tgn dye keras cm besi..hmm..xleh jd ni..bnci2...
maybe sebab 2 kot dye x injured tyme eksiden aritu..mane taknyer..tulang keras..hahaha
ok2...he's right here...xleh tulis byk2...bye2..syg bunny!!!

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