Saturday, February 13, 2010

time kaseh bunny....

haha..lame btol x bkk blog pon menumpang ihsan jiran sebelah yg pkai broadband..hehe..spe suro xpasang pasword, pdn muke..hahaha..
anyway, setelah berminggu2 sesak nafas dgn aktiviti yg byk giler, akhirnya, dpt ku top-up cuti haritu..adoyai..exam pon aku wt mcm cincai, mmg hbs la kne marah ngn ayahku syg..huhu
seriyes pasni xnk pgg jawatan pape dh..nk concentrate to my studies, family, housemateku yg terchenta n x lupe juge, en.torres...hehe
latest, my dad dah cat umah yg kt kajang ni dgn kaler kuning pekat,..adoi, sakit mate gue..huhu
by the way, these few days i just want 2 rest n prepare myself to face the coming final exams..huhuhu..matlamat utama:kalahkan si gile n geng2 kedekut ilmu..(my housemate please take note)..hehe..that's all..nk bkk fb plak..tata...

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