Wednesday, December 23, 2009

hari kames yg mulia...

haha..okey, today suppose 2 wake u early but coz of few obstacle i got to wake up late..hehe
naseb baek pakcik buncit 2 x marah..hahaha...
pg2 da xde mood n berat kepala coz memikirkan few things about tahyiz mayyit yg menghantui hidupku..huhuhu..naseb baek pakcik buncit sudi teman g kedai banner (xpenah2 aku nk jejakkan kaki ke situ)..hehe
but the worst thing is terjatuh kt dpn encik torres!!...adoi..malunyer!!!
huhu..dh la tgn dye keras cm besi..hmm..xleh jd ni..bnci2...
maybe sebab 2 kot dye x injured tyme eksiden aritu..mane taknyer..tulang keras..hahaha
ok2...he's right here...xleh tulis byk2...bye2..syg bunny!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

i'm really tired...

this week was too tired 4 me...i've just got back from a camping n my beloved hp n watch are lost!!!
klas melambak..n this week also got to go bangi again...huhu..bile nk rest nyer..
hm,,asyik bunny je wt asignment, mane aci...
anyway, this week nk g kuantan to settle my number..(with my teddy n qilah n syahir...).. mrajok ngn awk arini...xnk jmpe awk sok...pdn muke...=p
nyte2...luv u all....hehe

Sunday, December 6, 2009

1 for u..1 for me...

haha..selamat petang malaysia...=p
neway, smlm g kuantan ngn bunny n his friends..huhu..pnt maa best sbb bwk balek bear..
hehe...nk bg name pe ek..suggest cket.. week da start klas so get ready ea lin!!jgn mls2..
dear my bunny..slmt wt assignment english..sok i smbung yer..tata...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

why me??? was very bad day...with the program n classes n whatsoever..huhu
knape la aku jd cmni..aiyoyoyo...byk ag org baek2 alim ulamak yg laen asal aku kne jadi exco???
huhu..seriyes, xminat n da pnt tyme skola dlu..kt skola laen,kt U laen r..hmm after merayu n melutut kt miss marinajan at last dpt gak klas same ngn awk..hmm..
laen kali tersalah drop lg ea syg....hoho...
bunny...sory to give u trouble...sory wt awk mrh or sshkn awk..hmm..bkn sy xnk cte..
tp sy xtau nk cte sume!!nyte bunny..mish u...=(

Monday, November 23, 2009

facebook mmg best..TAPI....

hoho....TAPI blog ni gak yg bley bkk..hoho..sengal btol la FB,
best la da jd cmni..cdeynyer..bunny, oo bunny...mish u!!!..=p
hm, seriyes rase cm dh xnk bkk FB dh..lantak cmner, FS pon cm sengal gak...
neway, today my follower bertambah lg sorg..haha..bella, dont ever laugh at me sbb blog i x secanggih your blog..=p

dear bunny...xoxoxoxo

Sunday, November 22, 2009

selamat pagi dunia....

selamat pagi malaysia, selamat pg dunia..hehe...bahagianyer bile tumpang wireless org yg on 24 hours..hehehe..awk2..sori sgt2 sy trstdo smlm..huhu..nk ckp kt awk yg sy rase ngntuk sangat2 tp sy still nk 2nggu awk col..malangnye, mate ini lebih menguasai sy...hehe..
ok dear, i know your faveret color is green, dont worry..haha
anyway, nice try..anytime u need sumting to write, bkk la blog awk ni..=p


dear HONEY(^_^),

hype!!! ni bkn lin taw, Torres d`cni....heheh....
sbnanye xbiase n xpndi + xreti gne bnde ni....
sje gne wrne ijau coz its my fav color (igt ea lin=P)...
hmmm...nk tulis pe ek???
haa, psal td 2 sy xkesah pn sbnanye....small matter je 2....btw, da settle da kn??
neway, hepi sgt ngan awak=) nyte syg...

today...after thinking deeply...

hye..rindunyer nk menulis kt blog ni..
alhamdulillah, exam final aritu aku struggle hbs walaupun few papers agak frustrating sbb
xdpt jwb ngn perfect..haha..anyway, cuti ni full of memories n, luckily, ade org psg broadband kt tmpt ni so i tumpang sekaki dpt wireless..haha..after editing my birthday n delet gmba TORRES kesayanganku..i decide to let him read my blog..i mean, our blog..=p,

Dear torres,
Sy sgt sedih bile awk mrh kt sy aritu...
Sy mintak maaf sebab slalu tdo xbgtau awk...
I didn't do it on purpose..its pnt wt kje umah dr pg, so sumtime sy xlarat nk bkk mate ni..
huhu..klau kt kampus, sy xde byk kje nk kne wt, just concentrate on bley la stay up
temankn awk study mlm2...=)
mm..ptg td, awk ckp awk boring ea sy mintk maaf slalu kt awk...
mm..just want u to know, sy takut sgt if sy ade wt awk terasa or maybe kate2 sy menyakitkan
hati awk...sory sgt2...
from now on, this blog belongs 2 us...=p
wish u happiness n success in life..
kayla bunny...bubye..honey awk syg awk sgt2...tatata....

Monday, October 19, 2009

izzat n his tie.... was quite tiring day..haha..pg2 lg da kne tunggu si torres dtg lmbt..then kne jd urusetia majlis plak (paksarela)...huhu..anyway, this study week ihope that i'll study hard with torres n hope so that i can score the best next week..=)
really happy with him la...tata....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

yeay!!sok balek......

haha..rindu sama ini blog maa...hehe..anyway, last week i've got a concert to be handled & alhamdulillah ia berjalan dgn lancar..(lancar ke???)..haha...n the best thing is aku berjaya membuatkan si gila itu bertambah gila...yeay!!!..anyway...this week many things, my new brother..abg yusri yg membuatkan aku kdg2 sakit kpale gak...
anyway..konflik between membe2 plak semakin melambak2..adoyai..same pompuan pon mau msm muka kaaa.....huhu..clasmate aku ney...mcm2 lar..neway..sgt ske tgk my torres nyanyi...hmm..don know la..he's kind of special...hehe..mati aku kalu dye bc blog aku neyh!!!TATA....

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

huhu..akk wisma yg ckp cm keling...

hola..just now i go down here to get my exam ticket (after settling my house fees last week)..

then td nk g amek tiket kne blocking palk..WTF???the one yg jg kewangan 2 ckp yg i still have unsettled debt of few hundreds but last wek the cashier kt kaunter kewangan 2 ckp my debt house debt is all settled..huh, dasarkeling la akk cashier 2..juling ke ape mate dye..pergh, geram dowh..n this week is very bz week but next week is much more busy..oh my me..huhuhu..its okay, i'm cool..n i have to sacrifice A LOT..=)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

symposium week...

hola...selamat hari raye to all..haha..penat giler dowh raye haritu duk pusing 1 nk pengsan pon i'm in computer lab coz intenet kt umah lembab cm hape ntah..just now sgt terharu bc blog fara (my lalink yg sgt kusayangi)..hehe...thanks dear, laen kali letak la gmba kitorg byk2 lg..hahahaha...anyway, td aku ngn qilah g bli chipsmore ngn susu full cream coz minggu ni dye nk msk cream caramel utk aku..haha..best2..sok de lab test plak, torres cm xjoin jerk..xbest2..hahaa...apsal la aku ni...sik mention si torres yg konfem2 aku xkn dpt dkt ngn dyer!!!!..huhu..tatatatta...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

balek kampung maaaa.... i'm already 18 years n 1 la da jd 18..n what makes me happy is everybody didn't forget to wish me!!...huhu...except torres..T_T..dye mmg xingt or mmg xamek tau langsung ke..hmm, xpela..i'm nobody to him kowt..hehe..anyway. .ptg nanti my family come here n tomorrow baru balek pasir putih yg sudah lame tidak kujejaki..hehe...xtau la raye tahun ni cmner..hope so ok jer..n i puase bkk internet until abes cuti rayer..hehe..tata sumer...selamat hari rayer!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

few weeks of tears...

From, tiqah, atan, fara, pain, imah, n g duduk 2 is wani...hehe

haha..after few weeks with a pile of exams and whatsoever program akhirnya dpt gak aku bkk blog neyh..hehe..rindu gle dowh nk week is my birthday, yahooooo..i'm going to be 18..huhu..i made few promises to myself n one of them is to be a good girl..(baru padan ngn torres yg baek itu)..hehehe..makin nk final makin byk plak asignment nk kne wt..adoyai..ngs gue..T_T

Monday, August 31, 2009

kembali as org sihat... last i come back here with 80% recovery..pergh, kt umah bkn maen lg kne kuarantin ngn mak gue...NO chillies, NO ice, NO oils, ape lg ek..mcm2 la...yg penting aku x mkn bnde ngarut2 dah pasni, miss big girl, nanti i pulang your jacket yg i dah siap softlan 2 yer..wangi u, jgn maen2..hahaha..n today apsal ntah rase smgt semacam nk, actually semangat nk g amek ID baru ngn qilah kul 10 japg...hehe..n aku berjanji akan menjaga Id itu seperti nyawaku sendiri kerana enggak mau kejadian itu berulang lg...hehehe..best2..anyway, mood pg ni sgt gembira kerana 2 soklan akaun aku wt da balance..oh, indahnya dunia..hehe..n this week 2 exams waiting 4 me....wish me luck bebeh...dear torres..i'm waiting your msg for ages!!!!...haha..gudluck 2 u tooooo..

Saturday, August 22, 2009

diari ramadhan lynn..hehehe...

wuhuuu...ari ni aku x puase sebab bendera jepun telah dtg...hehehe..oi gemok ko pon x puase gak eh??hehe..anyway, last night aku nk on9 sebenarnye tp kerana ketidaksihatan aku menyebabkan aku terlepek d katil sampai kol 9pg..n bile bgn pg tgk xde eletrik rase cm votho plak..adoi..apsal ntah batuk aku nih x baek2..sakit dowh..nk berkomunikasi pun xbleh..last night de meeting PPI yg menyebabkan otak aku senget sebalah jap kerana..kerana..xde papelah..hehe..anyway, japg nk kne g balai islam plak menguruskan hal2 akhirat..hehe..sejuk hati aku ternampak torres aritu..huhu..xpela, dpt tgk dr jauh je..cdey2..tata..

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Midterm IT

ada comel ka??hehe..2 la sy mase kecik2...

Alhamdulillah, exam td aku dpt jwb dgn jayanya..ceh2..hehehe...berkat study ngn kengkawan beb..anyway, the wisma is freaking hot rase cm nk cabot je tudung je dlm xleh la sebab aku xkawen lg ngn TORRES so xleh tunjuk mahkota aku kt org laen..hahaha..guess what arini aku rase laen mcm dow..apsal ntah aku pun xtau..huhu..bulan puase ni aku ingtkan nk rilek je tp bertambah2 bz lg ade nk ngs pun ader..cmne nih..huhu..i have to prove to my daddy yg i ni bdk rajin n baek..(padahal sangat malas) ina (housemateku yg paling pendek)..plak demam dan aku telah dituduh membawa virus2 itu..adoi...knape si gemok aku jumpe dye semalam dye x saket pon kn2????hehehe...k la..nk kne study dlu...a pile of work is waiting 4 me..wuhuhuhu..nyte2...ha, xlupe, nyte to torres too..=p..(even i know he'll never read this)..hahaha

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

hepi hepi day...

adoi..sok de midterm IT la pulak..hoho..oh sir amran, bagilah i A plus2 sebab i memang x berniat tetapi dipakse mengambil subjek ini..hehe..gembiranye hatiku sebab dpt google chrome nih, not bad la..agak cepat compare to mozilla n IE biaser 2...hehe...n lg best sebab next week nk suh adk zila a.k.a mr.syamil downloadkn window 7 yg baru 2..wahaha....anyway, i memang x brape sihat for these few days but still larat nk wat asignment yg melambak2 n exam yg berebut2 nk suh aku jwb...adoi...hoho..ok la, xleh lame2 ni, sok de exam..dear miss big girl, asal post kau semakin hari semakin klakar adoi nk nanges aku bace..haha..nyte2...huhu..da lame xnmpk torres..T_T

Saturday, August 15, 2009


selepas berkurun lamenye

hahaha..hepi gler dowh akhirnye dpt gak i bkk blog i..semalam fara dtg bwk dye xinsert cheezy wedges skali la plak...hehe..pergh, semalam borak gile lamer ngn badak kesayangan aku tuh...siap borow dye pnye white jacket lg coz smlm terbeli baju seksi plak..hoho..but the thing most sure, this week i'm going to die coz byk gler asignment n EXAMS to be i'm going out nih...daaaa~~ntah zaman bile lg la aku nk bkk blog nih..

Saturday, July 25, 2009

pagi ahad yg indah...

wahaha....hari ni kami g wt asignment kt ghumah nisa a.k.a future wife mr.os.....hehe...
sdih la my apak balek kg x bgtau..huhu..pas2 bleh plak dye cte kt nenek gue psl ari 2..pergh, xleh bla,,,adoi...ari ni wt asignment english..hahhak..k la..bos mara ni..daaa..(bile la dpt wt asignment ngn mr.torres)..haha..LEEN, ITS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN....tatata

Monday, July 20, 2009

something messing my mind last i berjaya bkk my blog..rindunye..haha..apsal ntah xleh bkk kt laptop sndiri..mgkin coz intenet yg tersangat laju kt uniten nih menyebabkan da 2minggu aku xleh on9..huhu...its just something always haunting my mind..its its really big trouble, mybe can ruin my life..but there's nobody that i can tell my mind is really heavy right now..haha..stdy ok jew, just terpaksa berhadapan ngn sorg lecturer yg bermasalah mental..hehe..anyway, last week i went to tamrin nuqaba'..really insaf la..huhu...k la..nk tdo..ngantuk, tonight de meeting pulak lg...daaa..salam syg to en.fernando torres..=p

Saturday, July 4, 2009

after tagged by miss big girl.... =p

1. Apakah hubungan awak dan dia?
= kekasih gelapku...ngeeee

2. 5 impression terhadap dia
= simple, steady, terlebey peramah, funny, farakabutalwayz..hehe

3. Perkara yang paling memorable yang dia lakukan kat awak
= tgk kte cuci bekas boboy..

4. Perkara paling memorable yang dia kata pada awak
= pabila beliau bercerita tentang mr.S

5. Kalau dia kekasih awak.. awak akan
= mati la.....

6. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak. awak akan
= menyedut lemak beliau...hehehe

7. Kalau dia kekasih awak. awak akan
= bkn da tanye ke td???

8. Kalau dia jadi musuh awak... mungkin kerana
= berebut ikuta toma..maybe???

9. Overall impression ttg dia
= lovely housemate..jujur neyh..haha

10. The most desirable thing to do to her/him
= makan byk2 tanpa mengingat dunia

11. Apakah awak rasa ttg pandangan orang terhadap awak?
= garang..haha..but most of them after befriend with me baru dorg tawu bahawa
syalah org plg sempoi n plg sengal dlm dunia..hehe..(org yg ckp la..)

12. The character/(s) of you for yourself?
= S.T.R.O.N.G

13. On contrary, the character you hate about you
= hard to cry

14. The most ideal person you want to be with
= someone who can accept me as i am..(torres cm2 x??..hehe)

15. For people who like you.. tell sumthing about them:-
= is there anybody likes me??..raise up your hand??..=p

16. Ten people you tag:

I WISH i can tag them..hehe
1. muhammad 'izzat b mohd ismail
2. mohd jeffry b jamil(bdk sgt nakal)
3. Siti Sarah bt abd rahman
4. Reen
5. nazrin shah
6. zila
7. ina hawa
8. qilah a.k.a bini syahir
9. ikuta toma...bleh x???
10. my brother..abg yusri

17. No.2 ada hubungan dgn siapa?
= dgn I la...spe lg...haha..sory, adk aku 2 dh ade aweks kowt...

18. Is no.3 female or male?
= insyaAllah female..

19. If no.7 and 10 have a relationship.

20. Mcm mane dgn no.5 dgn no.8?
= ohhh. mereka tidak mengenali satu sama lain

21. No. 4 single kah?
= entah. ask her laaa

22. No.1 belajar apa?
= belajar tentang aku la...haha..gurau jerk..dye blaja kt uniten ni gak..
so dpt la tgk dye slalooo..but please..dont ever try to ngurat bdk ni..sbb..
aku da cop dye dlu..=p

23. Say sumthing about no.9:
= he'll die if he choose 2 be with miss big girl..

welcome back

hola my blog..miss u damn much..hehe..akhirnya berakhir 3 minggu penderitaan di umah..
too many things happened this few days. n i'm really pressured right now. Anyway, i feel relieved coz finally i came back to this forest, muadzam shah with new awesome housemate, huhu..but i miss mrs.ikuta toma too...hehe...n just now, my roommate just broke up,its too sad..but konfem xlame lg dorg msti smbung blek pnye lah..haha..(aku ngn torres bile plak ek)...haih, lin ni..mengarut lg...anyway, i want to bath rite now coz mlm nti nk angkut brg2 yg byk giler kt stor blok B..fuh, habes la tenage gue...daa~

Thursday, June 11, 2009

thanks God..

huhu. today seems like the last day i'm going to write in this beloved diary. just now pas bkk puasa kitorg cm nk mati angkut sume brg2 kt blok b.. aduyai..mcm2 rintangan. tangan krem la, kotak terburai la, xsempat tampal name la, n the biggest disaster is xtau nk campak freezer 2 ktner. haha. bleh plak tears running down tyme i call my dad. i dont know what makes me feel so sad. haha. maybe sebab da lame xngs kut, so air mata 2 berjurai2. hehe. then after go here n there, n i terpaksa have a talk ngn anak tiri farah(hehehe), then last2 i g antr my boboy kt umah zila..huhu, sdihnye xdpt jmpe boboy 3 weeks. i dont know, maybe its a miracle coz zila offer nk tlg bwk balek my freezer. fuh...what a relief, thanks God. huhu.. td kan, miss F a.k.a my most lovely housemate suh wt masterpiece kt mr.teddy yg i bg kt dyer. huhu. sedih la pulak. pasni beliau chow ke harmoni. spe lg aku nk panggil badak coz my new housemate sume kecik2. huhu. dear miss big girl, thanks 4 all the things u helped me, the advice, n all the things we've done together, i'll never 4get u la bebeh. haha, nanti i dtg putrajaya yer klau free. one more thing, i mintk maaf sgt2 if i had hurt u..i tau i ganaz...hehe..nanti da duk harmoni kne joging hari2 tao..jgn lper..lagu alyah (tak mungkin kerana lemak)..hehehehe...k la, nk stdy eco ni. n nk menghabiskan sisa2 usia foundation 3 weeks bru gue update yer..mmuahhxx

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

one of couple pics 4 today..hehe
sweet x....hehe
this pics remind me of someone...=(

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

bisnes management..

hoho...frust giler td xdpt jwb 1 soklan esey..10 marks plak tuh..adoyai..cmne nih..dah la takleh tdo smlm..anyway, ari ni xde air smpai kul 5 mlm nti kne angkut sume brg2 kt blok b..pnt pasni nk bc critical thinking..ditemani oleh miss badak yg tgh angau ngn mr.yul dyer..hakhak..minggu ni dyer sakit prut, so maybe brtnye akn trun 5 kilo..hehehe..wait n c bebeh,...huhu...sdih gak dah nk abes sem ni..xdpt panggil org badak lagi...hahhahaha..syg la kt housemate anak tiri fara...hehehe..chow, critical thinking is waiting...
haha..akibat xde kje, so saje belek2 pics kt dlm laptop neyh n terjumpae gmba ini..anyway,this the first person kt uniten yg perangai same spesis mcm aku..haha..actually, dye anggap aku cm adk dye jer..n aku pon treat dye cm abg dye mmg terer bab2 komputer..bro, wt la bisnes..nanti da kaye bley blanje adk kau ni...=p..haha..dear my torres..jgn la mrh ye syg..he's just my tawu awk xkn bc blog sy yg ntah pape neyh..hehe..tatata...
this is my handphone idaman..haha..really want this one...

at last

at last i ingt gak pasword blog ku nih..hehe..lame gile kowt x bukak...huhu..sory my diary, i menumpang kasih ngn si farah nih.....hehe
memandangkan this week is exam week so aku xdapat la bukak slalu blog ksygn aku nih..
haha..hepinye dpt bkk blog ni balek...k la..nk study bisnes management nih..yeay2..nmpk torres lg arini..haha..daaa~

Friday, May 8, 2009

From miss little sunshine...
4 names that friends call you:

- leen
- lin
- kak lin
- alin..(don't ever call me like this again!)

4 most important dates in your life:
- 23.06.1990 (sum1 special)
-15.09.1991 (spe ntah..hehe)
- 11.01.1966 (my dad)
- 16.06.1966 (my mum)

4 things you've done in the last 30 minutes:
- mandi
-on laptop
-kemas meja yg dh xnmpk cm meja
-menelan sebiji gula2

4 ways to be happy:
- make others laughing
- kacau si gemok kt sebelah
- tgk crite lawak
- dpt msg dr muhd izzat b mohd ismail..hahahah..(mati la aku klau dye bc)

4 gifts you would like to receive:
- a gold honda accord yg baru tu
- a ring..(klau bleh cincin kawen aku ngn torres)..hehehe
- ticket to the past 10 years
- anything from muhammad izzat b mohd ismail..(haih, dye lg..)..hahaha

4 of your favourite hobbies:
- reading..of course.hehe
- iron baju byk2
- tido
- makan

4 places you want to go for vacation:
- canada
- nk g haji...huhuhu
- mane2 je la husband aku nk bwk nanti...hahaha..(uit torres,,awk nk bwk sy g maner..)
- paris

4 things always found in your bag:
- kunci umah
- spec (walaupun aku benci memakainyer..)..hehe
- handphone
- lip gloss????

Top 4 you love so much:
- ibu and ayah
- my sisters n brothers
- anybody who loves me..of cos i love them frens n mostly...torres..=p
- all my properties

Top 4 things 'special' for you:
- everything that my parents give..(love, TIME, attention..n also money..hehe)
- everything yg org bg...sgt special to me..
- torres..=p
- choc shake!!!

Top 4 who you would like to answer this survey:
- spe ek..torres xde blog plak..hoho..(wt la blog, konpem ari2 aku view..hehe)
- Bella Ballet
- Zaff
- spe2 je la yg rase nk jwb soklan yg byk gile neyh..(sakit tgn aku..huhu)

after a few days's been a long time i didn't open this blog..the life seems so busy lately..
with a pile of assignment, test, friends prob n my own prob..huh, so tired..anyway, i still can handle all these stuff. cause i believe i'm strong..haha..poyo nye ayt..ank sape la ni...hehe..
lately i rase x sedap hati sgt coz feel like something is watching me all the times. I dont know what is it but i doesn't feel safe anymore to be alone at home..haha..
actually, really busy with my work..assignment finance n business management..wahahaha...
so wish me luck n hope i can live happily..

Monday, April 27, 2009

love story..taylor swift

We were both young, when I first saw you.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts-
I'm standing there, on a balcony in summer air.
I see the lights; see the party, the ball gowns.
I see you make your way through the crowd-
You say hello, little did I know...
That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles-
And my daddy said "stay away from Juliet"-
And I was crying on the staircase-begging you please don't go...
And I said...
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess,
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.

So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet, because we're dead if they knew-
So close your eyes... escape this town for a little while.
Cause you were Romeo -
I was a scarlet letter,And my daddy said "stay away from Juliet" -
but you were everything to me-I was begging you, please don't go-
And I said...
Romeo take me somewhere, we can be alone.I'll be waiting;
all there's left to do is run.You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess.I
t's a love story, baby, just say yes-R

omeo save me, they're trying to tell me how to feel.
This love is difficult, but it's real.
Don't be afraid, we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a love story, baby, just say yes.
I got tired of waiting.Wondering if you were ever coming around.
My faith in you was fading-When I met you on the outskirts of town
.And I said...Romeo save me, I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting, for you but you never come.
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think-
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said...Marry me Juliet,
you'll never have to be alone.I love you, and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad -- go pick out a white dressIt's a love story, baby just say... yes..
We were both young when I first saw you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

exam finance..

i didn't do my best in finance exam today...huhu
2 la, pdn muke saye sbb xstdy btol2...huhu...anyway, ternampak torres lg arini..he's gorgeous, baik, sejuk je mate ni tgk...n i dont know how to describe him anymore..bertuahnye spe yg dpt ank n pakwe cm dye ni..haha..(konpem2 la aku xdpt) i just can see him dr jauh jerk, takutnye nk tgor dye neyh..hope so dye x bc blog aku nih....klau x, naye dow...malu jew...i'm sure he'll say that i'm crazy coz ske kt nk wt cmne..haha..
anyway, i'll make this lovely guy as my inspiration 2 continue my life...haha..
kay..nk g wt homework ni...i'll write more in this new diary, choc-indulgence......=)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

a boring nite...

ni sy amek from fara....


Read this “HATE LETER”. This is a loveletter from a boy to a girl. However, the girl’s father does not like him and want them to stop their relationship. So the boy wrote this letter to the girl because the girl’s father will definitely read this letter.

1 The great love that I have for you
2 is gone, and I found my dislike for you
3 grows everyday. When I see u,
4 I don’t even like your face;
5 the one thing that I want to do is to
6 look at other girls. I never wanted to
7 marry you. Our last conversation
8 was very boring and has not
9 made me look forward to seeing you again.
10 You think only of yourself.
11 If we were married, I know that I would find
12 life very difficult, and I would have no
13 pleasure in living with you. I have a heart
14 to give, but it is not something that
15 I want to give to you. No one is more
16 foolish and selfish than you, and you are not
17 able to care for me and help me.
18 I sincerely want you to understand that
19 I speak the truth. You will do me a favor
20 if you think this is the end. Do not try
21 to answer this. Your letters are full of
22 things that do not interest me. You have no
23 true love for me. Good-bye! Believe me,
24 I do not care for you. Please do not think that
25 I am still your boyfriend”

Before handling this letter to the girl, the boy the girl to read only odd numbers. So try reading it. So smart and sweet………….

isk2....kecoh tol la minah ni...

ade la minah ni,....
dtg ketuk2 pintu umah
cm nk roboh...
ingtkn ade hal penting sgt.....
rupe2 rupenye psl bf jerk...
kecoh sgt...
just stick to the one...
pe la ssh sgt...
kesian kt fara...aku ngn zaf slalu chow dr umah..kerana tidak mahu mengadap seekor devil di rumah aku...hahaha
nk wt cmne la ngn minah 2..
ksian fara...........
sori ye laling.....
sayang kamu ngn zaf...


pnye ssh alu nk bkk blog nih...
dont worry bebeh....
never say NO to leen....
by the way...
td torress msj aku...
hepi siot...
sok de exam finance.....
tp aku x stdy pown...
aku kn pemalas.....
doakan gue yer....

Friday, April 17, 2009



ari ni leen baru berjinak2 nk wt blog..

start tgk blog hilal pas2 blog housemate ksygnku, fara

so rase nk wt blog gak.

as teman sepiku, tidurku dan jagaku...


but it'll take times to cheer up my blog...

after my blog da cun melecun baru i bley show kt org..hehe